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  • English Grammar - Like, Would like, Be like

    English Grammar - Like, Would like, Be like

    3 Past Tenses

    3 Past Tenses

    Action Verbs vs. State Verbs

    Action Verbs vs. State Verbs

    All English Tenses

    All English Tenses

    American vs. British - Driving Vocabulary

    American vs. British - Driving Vocabulary

    American vs. British English - Food Vocabulary

    American vs. British English - Food Vocabulary

    Apostrophe S, after S (English Spelling)

    Apostrophe S, after S (English Spelling)

    Basic English Grammar - Adjectives vs. Adverbs

    Basic English Grammar - Adjectives vs. Adverbs

    Basic English Grammar - Articles A, An, The

    Basic English Grammar - Articles A, An, The

    Basic English Grammar - Articles II - A, An, and The

    Basic English Grammar - Articles II - A, An, and The


    Conditional If Sentences

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    Learn the Zero, First, Second, and Third Conditionals.
    *Listening Comprehension


    Mixed Tenses Exercises

    Level - Intermediate
    Practice your tenses. Learn the difference between-
    -Have done
    -Will do
    -Will be doing
    *Listening and Reading Comprehension


    Future Tense - Will and (Be) Going To

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn different ways to talk about the future-
    -I will do something
    -I am going to do something.
    *Listening and Reading Comprehension


    3 Past Tenses

    Level - Intermediate
    Past Continuous, Past Perfect, & Past Perfect Continuous
    Learn different ways to talk about the past-
    -I was doing something
    -I have done something
    -I have been doing something.
    *Listening and Reading Comprehension


    All English Tenses

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn and review all the tenses in English-
    -I do
    -I am doing
    -I have been doing
    -I have done
    -I did
    -I will do
    -I am going to do
    -I am doing + future
    -I was doing
    -I had done
    -I had been doing
    -I will be doing
    -I will have done
    -I will have been doing.
    *Listening and Reading Comprehension


    Make vs. Do

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn how to use make and do as main verbs, learning phrasal verbs and expressions
    -Make + a chair, a coffee, a mistake, an error, something possible
    -Do + your shopping, exercises, hair, make-up
    *Listening and Reading Comprehension


    Action Verbs vs. State Verbs

    Level - Intermediate
    Action Verbs = something you can start and stop doing
    State Verbs = a mental state, you cannot start and stop
    *Listening and Reading Comprehension


    Conditionals 1 for Real Situations

    Level - Beginner-Intermediate
    What do you do in these real situations?
    If I see a fly, I put in in my mouth!
    *Listening Comprehension


    Conditionals 2 - Future Factual Situations

    Level - Beginner-Intermediate
    Do you believe in superstitions?
    If you break a mirror, you will have 7 years of bad luck!
    *Listening Comprehension


    Conditionals 3 - Factual Situations & Unless

    Level - Beginner-Intermediate
    If you do not leave, I will call the cops!
    I will call the cops unless you leave!
    Leave, or I will call the cops!
    *Listening Comprehension


    Conditionals 4 - Unreal Situations

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn to talk about things that are not true.
    If I were an alien, I would eat you!
    *Listening Comprehension


    Conditionals 5 - Unreal Past Situations Part I

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn to talk about things that are not true in the past.
    If I had gone to Europe, I would dug up Viking bones!
    *Listening Comprehension


    Conditionals 6 - Unreal Past Situations Part II

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn to talk about things that are not true.
    If I had had a child, I would have had it wash my feet!
    *Listening Comprehension


    Apostrophe S, after S (English Spelling)

    Level - Beginner-Intermediate
    Be careful when you spell possessives in English
    Learn how to use an apostrophe to show possession!
    *Listening Comprehension


    Basic English Grammar - Articles A, An, The

    Level - Beginner-Intermediate
    When do you use A, AN, and THE?
    I will go to a (any) bank. I will eat an apple. I will go to the (my) bank.
    *Listening and Reading Comprehension


    Real and Unreal Conditionals - If sentences

    Level - Intermediate
    Review how to make If sentences.
    Remember to use OR and UNLESS too!
    *Listening and Reading Comprehension


    English Grammar - How to Learn the Tenses!

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn how to teach yourself the tenses!
    *Listening Comprehension


    English Idioms - Birds

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    Learn common sayings in English with the word - bird.
    *Listening Comprehension


    English Idioms - Hand

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    Learn common English sayings with - hand.
    *Listening Comprehension


    English Idioms - Hold

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    Learn common English sayings with the word - hold.
    *Listening Comprehension


    Learn English More Effectively

    Level - Intermediate
    Be interested, ask questions, study hard, review, review again, and use the information.
    *Listening Comprehension


    Must vs. Have to

    Level - Intermediate
    It must be raining outside.
    I must work tomorrow.
    I have to work tomorrow.
    *Listening and Reading Comprehension


    Passive Voice

    Level - Intermediate Something is always done.
    Something was done in the past.
    Something is being done now.
    Something will be done in the future.
    Something has already been done.
    *Listening Comprehension


    More Passive Voice

    Level - Intermediate
    -Something is always done.
    -Something was done in the past.
    -Something is being done now.
    -Something will be done in the future.
    -Something has already been done.
    *Listening Comprehension


    Past Simple vs. Present Perfect

    Level - Intermediate
    What is the difference between - I did - and - I have done?
    I went to Spain 10 years ago, and I have gone to Spain twice since then.
    *Listening Comprehension


    Phrasal Verbs - On

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn common phrasal verbs with - on.
    Remember other phrasal verbs with - up, down, on, off, in, out, back, forward, away, through.
    *Listening and Reading Comprehension


    Phrasal Verbs - Pull

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    Learn common phrasal verbs with - pull.
    Remember other phrasal verbs with - up, down, on, off, in, out, back, forward, away, through.
    *Listening and Reading Comprehension


    Phrasal Verbs - Turn

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    Learn common phrasal verbs with - turn.
    Remember other phrasal verbs with - up, down, on, off, in, out, back, forward, away, through.
    *Listening and Reading Comprehension


    Phrases vs. Clauses

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    Phrase = Batman
    Clause = Superman
    What? Watch to learn why!
    *Listening and Reading Comprehension


    Reading Comprehension

    Level - Intermediate
    Do you really understand what you read?
    Learn skills how to understand what you read.
    *Listening and Reading Comprehension


    Root Words - Port

    Level - Intermediate
    Can you think of any words with - port?
    Think of air...
    *Listening and Reading Comprehension


    Say, Tell, Hear, and Listen

    Level - Intermediate
    What is the difference between say and tell?
    What about hear and listen?
    Watch at this video, and you will see!
    *Listening and Reading Comprehension


    Used to vs. Be used to

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn the difference between used to and am/are/is used to.
    I used to eat American food, but living in China, I am now used to eating Chinese food.
    *Listening and Reading Comprehension


    Be Going To vs. Will

    Level - Beginner-Intermediate
    Are they the same?
    Learn some VERY SMALL differences between them.
    *Listening and Reading Comprehension


    Heteronyms - 1 Spelling, 2 Pronunciations

    Level - Beginner-Intermediate
    Heteronym = words with one spelling but more than one pronunciation
    More examples - read, record, produce, attribute, bow, close, contract, desert, dove, drawer, live, perfect, putting, rebel, refuse, resume, sake, separate, subject, wind, wound
    *Reading Comprehension


    Reading Test Practice

    Level - Intermediate
    Read this at natural speed!
    DO NOT stop the video!
    *Reading Comprehension


    Basic English Grammar - How to Show Possession

    Level - Beginner
    This lesson is on possessive adjectives and pronouns.
    Learn different ways to talk about subjects - I, you, he, she, it, we, they.
    Possessive Adjectives are - my, your, his, her, its, our, their.
    Pronouns are - mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs.
    *Listening and Reading Comprehension


    Basic Grammar - Is or It's

    Level - Beginner
    This is a common mistake made by many non-native English speakers. Learn the difference between Is and It is.
    You can only begin a sentence with the TO BE verb (Is, Am, Are, Was, Were) if it is a question.
    *Listening and Reading Comprehension


    Five Ways to Say Sorry - Polite English

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn how to use - Sorry! Im sorry! Im (really, very, terribly, deeply, extremely) sorry! Im sorry about/for (something)! My apologies. I apologize for (something/doing something).
    Also, learn ways to respond to these apologies.
    *Listening and Reading Comprehension


    English Idioms - Dogs

    Level - Advanced
    Learn how to use the idioms -
    -Dog eat dog world
    -Sick as a dog
    -Every dog has its day
    -It is a dogs life
    -Top dog
    -You cant teach an old dog new tricks
    *Listening and Reading Comprehension


    Five Ways to Say Goodbye in English

    Level - Beginner
    Learn how to use the common ways to say goodbye -
    -See ya!
    -Take it easy!
    -Have a good one!
    -Take care!
    -Catch ya later!
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, and Speaking Practice


    Six Ways to Use the Verb - GO - in English Go, Go to, Go to a, Go to the

    Level - Beginner
    Learn how to use the forms of go - -Go
    -Go to
    -Go to a
    -Go to the
    -Go on
    -Go for
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, and Speaking Practice


    Six Phrases in English Using It's

    Level - Advanced
    Learn how to use the phrases -
    -It is touch and go
    -It is a hairy situation
    -It is about time
    -It is on me
    -It is on the house
    -The early bird gets the worm
    *Listening Comprehension


    Six Simple Phrasal Verbs

    Level - Beginner
    Phrasal Verbs = verb + preposition
    Learn how to use -
    -Wake up
    -Get up
    -Turn on
    -Turn off
    -Sit down
    -Stand up
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, and Speaking Practice


    Six Words With Meanings That Will Surprise You

    Level - Intermediate
    Remember that dictionaries are not always correct. Many words have more than one meaning! Look at the context to understand the meaning.
    Learn the meanings of the following words-
    -Wear (noun)
    -Meet (noun)
    -Mean (adjective)
    -Make (noun)
    -Milk (verb)
    -Water (verb)
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    Seven Common School Expressions in English

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    Learn how to use the common school expressions -
    -Learn by heart
    -Ace something
    -Teachers pet
    -Play hooky
    -Cut class
    -Flunk out
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    Seven Common English Expressions about Money

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn the meanings and use of the following expressions - -Loaded
    -Make a killing
    -Make ends meat
    -Hand to mouth
    -Pay an arm and a leg
    -Pinch pennies
    -Put in your two cents
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, and Speaking Practice


    Commonly Confused Words in English - Nine Homophones

    Level - Intermediate
    Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meaning.
    -byte, bite
    -hear, here
    -sense, cents
    -ate, eight
    -Czech, check
    -cell, sell
    -clothes, close
    -cereal, serial
    -chews, choose
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, and Speaking Practice


    Ten Common Expressions in English

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn the meanings and usage of -
    -twenty-four seven 24/7
    -Get the ball rolling
    -Take it easy
    -Sleep on it
    -To be broke
    -7:00 sharp
    -like the back of my hand
    -Give me a hand
    -in ages
    -sick and tired (of)
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, and Speaking Practice


    Ten Common Verbs Followed by Infinitives

    Level - Intermediate
    Infinitive - to + (verb)
    Gerund - (verb) + ing
    -like to do / like doing
    -enjoy doing
    -want to do
    -hope to do
    -agree to do
    -plan to do
    -decide to do
    -choose to do
    -promise to do
    -need to do
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, and Speaking Practice


    English Grammar - A lot, Alot, Lots, Allot, A Whole Lot

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn a mistake that both English students and native English speakers make.
    Watch to find out the usage of these terms.
    Also learn about countable and uncountable nouns.
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, and Speaking Practice


    Three Common Conversation Mistakes

    Level - Advanced
    1. Pronunciation mistake - stuff vs. staff
    2. Will vs. would
    3. Near to vs. close to
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    Three Conversation Expressions to Improve Your Spoken English

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn how to use the common conversation expressions -
    -If you ask me, ...
    -Speaking of...,
    -As I was saying, ...
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, and Speaking Practice


    Common English Errors - I or Me? She or Her?

    Level - Beginner
    Learn how to differentiate when to use pronouns and subjects and objects.
    -I vs. me
    -You vs. you
    -He vs. him
    -She vs. her
    -We vs. us
    -They vs. them
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, and Speaking Practice


    Common English Errors - Someone, Anyone, No one

    Level - Beginner-Intermediate
    Learn the uses of the following
    -Someone / Anyone / No one
    -Somebody / Anybody / Nobody
    -Something / Anything / Nothing
    -Somewhere / Anywhere / Nowhere
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, and Speaking Practice


    Common Mistakes in English - Choose vs. Choice

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn the difference on how to use -
    -Choose (simple present verb)
    -Chose (simple past verb)
    -Choice (noun)
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, and Speaking Practice


    Common Mistakes in English - Could of, Could have

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    Many native-English speakers make the same mistake using these modal verbs!
    -Would have vs. would of
    -Could have vs could of
    -Should have vs. should of
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Grammar - Common Mistakes in English - Shade and Shadow

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    Learn the differences between shade and shadow.
    Shade - protection from the sun
    Shadow - a picture made from something that blocks the light
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    Basic English Grammar - To Be

    Level - Beginner
    Learn how to use the verb - to be - in English
    -I am
    -He is
    -She is
    -It is
    -You are
    -We are
    -They are
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    Common Mistakes in English - Soon, Early, Quick, Fast

    Level - Beginner-Intermediate
    Learn the difference between these words -
    -Soon - a short time after now
    -Early - near the beginning of the time you are thinking about
    -Quickly - refers to speed
    -Fast - means able to move quickly, also done in a little amount of time
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, and Speaking Practice


    English Grammar - Conditionals - Zero and First Conditionals

    Level - Beginner-Intermediate
    -Zero Conditional - real situation that is always true
    --Example- If you heat water to 100 degrees Celsius, it boils.
    -First Conditional - real situations for the future
    --Example- If it rains tomorrow, I will stay at home and study English.
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, and Speaking Practice


    English Grammar - Conditionals - Second and Third Conditionals

    Level - Intermediate
    -Second Conditional -unreal situation about the present or future
    --Example- If I were a billionaire, I would buy ten Ferraris.
    Third Conditional -unreal situation about the past
    --Example- If I had woken up early, I would have seen the sun rise.
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, and Speaking Practice


    Basic English Grammar - Noun, Verb, Adjective, Adverb

    Level - Beginner
    Learn the difference between these parts of speech
    -Noun (n) person, place, thing, idea, activity
    -Verb (v) action word, existing word (be)
    -Adjective (adj) describes a noun
    -Adverb (adv) Describes a verb
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    Basic English Grammar - Past Tense Questions

    Level - Beginner-Intermediate
    Learn about how to use the Simple Past tense and how to make questions with this tense.
    -Regular Past Tense - worked, finished, cleaned, studied
    -Irregular Past Tense - did, ate, went, wrote, read
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, and Speaking Practice


    English Vocabulary - Talking About Shopping

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn the difference between the following words-
    -Price - expensive, reasonable, cheap
    -Payment - cash, credit card, debit card, check
    -Size - too big, fit, tight
    -The bill - discount, taxes


    English Vocabulary - Look, See, Watch

    Level - Beginner
    Learn the difference between the following words -
    -Look - at this/that, at the newspaper
    -See - a movie, a girl/guy, a place
    -Watch - tv, a movie
    -Read - a book/magazine/newspaper, an article


    English Vocabulary - The Face and Hair

    Level - Beginner
    Learn how to talk about hair on your face.
    -eye brows
    -eye lashes
    -side burns
    -nose hair


    Basic English Grammar - Using the verb TO BE

    Level - Beginner
    Learn when we use the verb - to be - in the present, past, and present perfect
    -Age - I am 21 years old.
    -Gender - I am a man.
    -Marital Status - I am not married.
    -Feeling - I am happy.
    -Job - I am a lawyer.
    -Nationality - I am Egyptian.
    -Political - I am a conservative.
    -Religion - I am Jewish.
    -Location - I am in Tokyo.
    -Field - I am in IT.
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, and Speaking Practice


    Basic English Grammar - This, That, These, Those

    Level - Beginner
    Learn how to use the locative pronouns. Remember the singular and plural, and near and far.
    -This woman is crazy.
    -That man on tv is crazy.
    -These rats in my house are driving me crazy.
    -Those people in Finland are crazy.
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    American vs. British - Driving Vocabulary

    Level - Intermediate
    Tire - Tyre
    Trunk - Boot
    Bonnet - Hood
    Petrol tank - Gas tank
    Fender - Bumper
    Stick - Manual/Standard
    Directional Signals/Turn sigmals - Blinker/Winker
    Muffler - Silencer
    Trailer - Caravan
    Parking lot - Car park
    (Transport) Truck - Lorry
    Highway - Motorway
    Intersection/Crossroads - Crossing/Junction
    Main Street - High Street
    Sidewalk - Pavement
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    Basic English Grammar - Was and Were

    Level - Beginner-Intermediate
    Learn when to use the simple past form of the verb - to be.
    Was | Were
    I | we
    He | they
    She | you
    It | They
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    American vs. British English - Food Vocabulary

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn the difference between US and UK English when it comes to food.
    Eggplant - Aubergine
    Potato chips - Crisps
    Baked potatoes - Jacket potatoes
    Zucchini - Courgette
    Arugula - Rocket/Roquette
    Beer - Bitter
    Cookie - Biscuit
    Dessert - Pudding
    Candy - Sweets
    Cotton candy - Candy floss
    Soda/pop - Soft drink
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    Commonly Confused Words in English - Bring vs. Take

    Level - Beginner-Intermediate
    Learn the directions connected with Bring and Take.
    Bring - (towards) Bring that book to me.
    Take - (away from) Take that book away from the baby and bring it to me.
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Vocabulary - Lost

    Level - Beginner-Intermediate
    Learn the uses of the verb lose and lost.
    Verb - I lost (something)
    Adjective - I am lost now. I was lost yesterday.
    Noun - Loser!
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking Practice


    English Vocabulary - Talking About Looks

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn how to talk about good-looking ant not-so-good-looking people
    Vocabulary -
    -Not my type...
    -Not my cup of tea...
    -A great/nice personality.
    -No chemistry...
    -I wouldnt touch that with a 10-foot pole!
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Vocabulary - How to use - Play, Go, and Do

    Level - Beginner-Intermediate
    Learn the difference between Play, Go, and Do
    Play - tennis, baseball, football, golf
    Go - skiing, snowboarding, golfing, swimming
    Do - yoga, aerobics, stretches, martial arts (kung fu, karate)
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking Practice


    English Vocabulary - The Difference Between Want and Need

    Level - Beginner
    -Want - (desire) beer, milk, pizza
    -Need - (necessity) water, food, air
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking Practice


    English Vocabulary - Listen vs. Hear

    Level - Beginner
    Learn the difference between listen and hear. -Listen - (paying attention, concentrating) - Are you listening to me talk? -Hear - (sound, background noise) Did you hear that sound? *Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking Practice


    English Vocabulary - Expressions about Love

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn some common expressions to talk about relationships.
    -To hit it off - (get along)
    -On the rocks - (a relationship not going well)
    -Pop the question - (ask someone to marry you)
    -Tie the knot - (to get married)
    -To fall head over heels - (to fall completely in love)
    -Puppy love - (infatuation/not a serious relationship)
    -Settle down - (to have children)
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Vocabulary - School Slang

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn how to use the expressions -
    -Pop quiz
    -Straight A
    -Killed (a test)
    -Bombing (an exam)
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking Practice


    English Vocabulary - MUSE words - Amusing, Bemuse

    Level - Advanced
    Learn how to use the Vocabulary Pyramid method.
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Vocabulary - Negative Characteristics

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    Learn how to talk about people you do not like.
    -Arrogant -(adjective) an exaggerated view of worth or importance
    -Vain -(adjective) very proud of ones looks or abilities
    -Brag -(verb) to tell people how wonderful you are
    -Snob -(noun) a person who wants to looks down on others by acting superior
    -Conceited -(adjective) having a very high opinion of oneself
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Vocabulary - First Name Given name

    Level - Beginner
    Learn the difference between names-
    -Full name - John Adam Smith
    -First name - John
    -Given Name - John
    -Forename (writing) - John
    -Last name - Smith
    -Surname - Smith
    -Middle name - Adam
    -Initials - J.A.S.
    -Middle initial - A.
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Vocabulary - Get

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn the difference uses of the word - Get.
    Use get in the present, past, and future tenses. -She gets a lot of money for her birthday.
    -She got a good grade on her test.
    -She will get angry if she doesnt get into college.
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Vocabulary - Marriage and Divorce

    Level - Beginner-Intermediate
    Learn how to use the words marry and divroce.
    -Will you marry me?
    -I want to get married with you.
    -I am married.
    -My parents had a happy marriage.
    -I think we should get a divorce.
    -I think we should get divorced.
    -My father is divorced.
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking Practice


    English Vocabulary - Getting Dressed and Clothes

    Level - Beginner-Intermediate
    Learn how to use the folloing words- -Put on - a dress, hoodie -Take off - (clothes) -Put in - contact lenses -Take out - contact lenses -Do up - velcro, buttons, snaps, zippers, fly *Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking Practice


    English Slang - Text Messaging LOL, WTF, BRB

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn some great slang for chatting online or text messaging.
    -Also learn how to use - U, R, 8, 2, 4
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking Practice


    English Vocabulary - How To Talk About Money

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn how to use basic verbs we use with money
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking Practice


    English Slang - Freak

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn how to use the English slang term - Freak
    -You are a freak
    -Freaking out
    -He is a freaking idiot!
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking Practice


    English Speaking - Mistakes and Regrets

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn how to use - I should have (done something), or I shouldnt have (done something).
    Also review a few past participles! -Regret - a mistake you made in the past
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking Practice


    English - Spelling - When to Use Double Consonants

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    Learn when to you double consonants in spelling
    Consonant - B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Y, Z
    Vowel - A, E, I, O, U
    CVC Rule - one syllable words with a consonant, vowel, consotant
    Comparative - er
    Superlative - est
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Speaking - How to Ask Permission

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn how and when to use Can, Could, and May
    -Can I borrow your pencil?
    -Could I borrow your pencil?
    -May I borrow your pencil?
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Vocabulary - Appointments and Reservations

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn the difference between appointments and reservations
    -Reservation - (theater, airplane, restaurant)
    -Reserve - a table, seat
    -Appointment - (doctor, dentis
    t -Plan - hang out, visit
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Vocabulary - Afraid, Afraid of, Scared of, Fear

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn how to differentiate these words-
    -Fear - to be filled with fear
    -Afraid - Don't be afraid! I know you are afraid of spiders.
    -Afraid - (sorry) I'm afraid that I cannot help you.
    -Scared - I know you are scared of spiders.
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Vocabulary - Birth and Growing Up

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn how to talk about life.
    -Bring up
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking Practice


    English Vocabulary - Assure, Ensure, Insure

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    Learn the difference between the words-
    -Assure - To help someone get over anxiety
    -Ensure - To make a promise or guarantee
    -Insure - To get insurance for something
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Vocabulary - Death and Dying

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn how to use the following words-
    -Dead (adjective)
    -The dead (noun)
    -Death (noun)
    -Die (verb)
    -Dying (verb)
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Vocabulary - End or Finish

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn the difference between end and finish.
    -End (verb and noun)
    -Finish (verb and noun)
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    Basic English Grammar - Superlative Adjectives I

    Level - Beginner-Intermediate
    Learn how to compare using adjectives.
    -Which adjectives use -est?
    -Which adjectives use most?
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking Practice


    Basic English Grammar - Tag Questions

    Level - Beginner
    You remember what tag questions are, ____ you?
    Use the opposite of the key verb.
    ( - ), ( + )?
    ( + ), ( - )?
    -are | aren't
    -is | isn't
    -can | can't
    -like | don't
    -want | don't
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking Practice


    English Grammar - Tenses Overview - All the Tenses

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn how to use the verb - to work.
    -Present Simple - I work.
    -Present Continuous - I am working.
    -Past Simple - I worked.
    -Past Continuous - I was working.
    -Future Simple - I will work.
    -Future Simple - I am going to work.
    -Future Progressive - I will be working.
    -Present Perfect - I have worked.
    -Present Perfect Continuous - I have been working.
    -Past Perfect - I had worked.
    -Past Perfect Continuous - I had been working.
    -Future Perfect - I will have worked.
    -Future Perfect Continuous - I will have been working.
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Grammar - The Future in the Past

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    Learn how to talk about broken promises.
    -I was going to call you, but I forgot.
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Grammar - The Subjunctive

    Level - Advanced
    This is a formal structure to emphasize urgency or importance.
    -Advise, ask, command, demand, desire, insist, propose, recommend, request, suggest, urge
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    Basic English Grammar - This, That, These, Those

    Level - Beginner
    Practice using the locative pronouns and adjectives-
    -This - This is my father.
    -These - These are my parents.
    -That - That is my grandmother.
    -Those - Those are my grandparents.
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking Practice


    English Grammar - Imaginary Conditional

    Level - Intermediate
    -First Conditional - If..., ...will...
    -Second Conditional - If..., ...would...
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking Practice


    English Grammar - Writing - Capitalization

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn when to use upper-case or capital letters-
    -Beginnings of sentences.
    -Proper noun names of people, places, and things.
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Grammar - Vocabulary - Now and Still

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn the difference between using now and still
    -Now - at this exact moment
    -Still - started in the past and has continued in the present
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Grammar - Modifying Comparatives

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    Learn how to compare things using the following words-
    -A lot + (comparative)
    -Far + (more + adj.)
    -A little + (comparative)
    -Slightly + (comparative)
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English in the News - Vocabulary of Floods

    Level - Advanced
    Learn to talk about and listen for events in the news.
    -People - farmers, labourers, villagers, residents, inhabitants, the homeless, the injured, the destitute, the displaced
    -Places - hospitals, fields, villages, farmland, rice paddies, riverbank, flood-hit areas, low-lying regions
    -Situation - tragedy, disaster, catastrophe, calamity
    -Problems - death, destruction, disease, starvation, misery, hardship
    -Actions - to flood, to inundate, to respond, to wade, to warn, to rebuild, to reconstruct, to distribute, to evacuate, to donate, to pledge
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Grammar - Reported Speech

    Level - Intermediate
    Remember when using reported speech, change to the past tense.
    Reported speech verbs - told, said, asked
    -He told me that he was a teacher.
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Idioms - Boot

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn idioms with the word - boot
    -Boot camp
    -Boot up
    -Give (someone) the boot
    -Shaking in (ones) boots
    -Boot up the computer
    -To boot (someone) out
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking Practice


    English Idioms - Hair

    Level - Advanced
    Learn common idioms with the word - hair
    -Hair brain
    -To have a hair trigger
    -To split hairs over something
    -To have a hairs breadth of something
    -Have the hair of the dog
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    Basic English Grammar - Easy Introduction to Passive

    Level - Beginner-Intermediate
    Learn the difference between the Active Voice and Passive Voice.
    -Something is done.
    -Something was done.
    -Something will be done.
    -Something is going to be done.
    -Something is being done.
    -Something was being done.
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    Basic English Grammar - Superlative Adjectives II

    Level - Beginner-Intermediate
    Superlative means the best or the top.
    -1 Syllable - add the +~est
    -1-2 Sylllables that end in y - Change y to I and add the +~iest
    -2+ Syllables - add the most +(adjective)
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Grammar - Past Progressive

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn how to talk about things you were doing in the past.
    -I was washing the dishes yesterday.
    -Jane was shopping on Saturday.
    -They were singing very loudly
    -While he was swimming, I was reading.
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Grammar - Present Perfect Simple and Present Perfect Continuous

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    Present Perfect Simple - I have done something.
    Present Perfect Continuous - I have been doing something
    -For - 20 minutes, a long time
    -Since - 20 minutes ago, a long time ago, I was a child
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Grammar - Past Tense of Should

    Level - Intermediate
    We use this forms to talk about regrets in the past.
    With the word should, do not at +ed.
    Review past participles.
    -...should have (done/been/had)
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking Practice


    Basic English Grammar - Prepositions of Place - At, On, In

    Level - Beginner-Intermediate
    Learn how to talk about prepositions when talking about places.
    -In - the room, Canada, Philadelphia
    -At - home, the airport
    -On - the road, the way, the fourth floor
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking Practice


    English Grammar - Present Simple and Present Progressive

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn the difference between Present Simple and Present Continuous/Present Progressive
    -I live in New York.
    -I am staying in Bombay.
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking Practice


    Basic English Grammar - Present Simple WH Questions

    Level - Beginner
    Learn the common WH questions in English.
    -Who - which person
    -What - which thing
    -Where - which place
    -When - which time
    -Why - which reason
    -How - which way/kind/style
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking Practice


    Basic English Grammar - Present Simple Yes No Questions

    Level - Beginner
    Learn how to use Yes No questions with DO verbs.
    -Question - Do + I/you/we/they...?
    -Answer - Yes, I/you/we/they do.
    -Answer - No, I/you/we/they don't.
    -Question - Does + he/she/it...?
    -Answer - Yes, he/she/it does.
    -Answer - No, he/she/it doesn't.
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking Practice


    Basic English Grammar - Present Simple Tense

    Level - Beginner
    Learn how to talk about routines - things we do every day!
    -I wake up at 6:30a.m.
    -I eat breakfast at 7a.m.
    -I take the bust to work.
    -I study at the library.
    -I drive my car on weekends.
    -I have dinner at 6p.m.
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking Practice


    English Grammar - Should vs. Must

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn the commonly confused words should and must.
    -I should see a doctor.
    -I must see a doctor.
    Degrees of Certainty-
    -He should be sleeping.
    -He must be sleeping
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Grammar - Since and For

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn the difference time words since and for.
    These words are used with the Present Perfect tense - I have done something.
    -Since + point of time
    -For + length of time
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Grammar - Some and Any

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn the difference between-
    -Some + body/one/thing/where/thing
    -Any + body/one/thing/where/thing
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Grammar - So and Neither

    Level - Intermediate
    So are used in affirmative sentences, and neither is used in negative sentences.
    -So - Mary has a car. So does John.
    -Neither - Mary doesnt have a car. Neither does John.
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Grammar - I used to vs. I am used to

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn the difference between I used to and I am used to.
    -I used to play the coronet as a child, but now I play the drums.
    -I am used to a lot of people telling me I am handsome.
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Grammar - Modals of Advisability

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    -Should - the right thing to do
    -Should - deviation from expectation
    -Had better - basic suggestion
    -Had better - there will be a consequence
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Grammar - Stative Verbs

    Level - Intermediate
    Stative Verbs mean not action verbs
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Grammar - Past and Passed

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn the difference between the homonyms past and passed
    -Past - think time
    -Passed - think movement
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    Basic English Grammar - Much, Many, A lot of

    Level - Beginner
    Know the difference betweni countable and uncountable nouns
    -Many + Countable Nouns -things that can be easily counted
    -Much + Uncountable Nouns -Things that cannot be easily counted
    -A lot of + Uncountable Nouns or Plural Countable Nouns
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Grammar - Like, Would like, Be like

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn the commonly confused uses of like, would like, and be like.
    -What type of food do you like?
    -What would you like?
    -What is your city like?
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Grammar - Negative Forms of Must and Have

    Level - Intermediate
    -You don't have to arrive before 8:00, but you can if you want to.
    -You must not arrive before 8:00 because we will not be ready for you.
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Grammar - Either Neither

    Level - Beginner-Intermediate
    Learn how to use the words either and neither.
    -A: I don't like to drive.
    -B: Me neither./I don't either./Neither do I.
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Grammar - Passive

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn how to use the passive voice using-
    -is + (done)
    -was + (done)
    -will be + (done)
    -has been + (done)
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Grammar - Passive Causative

    Level - Advanced
    To have something done / had something done.
    -Yesterday, my car broke down.
    -I had it fixed by a mechanic.
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Grammar - How to ask questions

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn how to ask questions about useful information.
    -Incorrect - What means X teacher? -Correct - What does X mean? *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Grammar - Gerund or Infinitive

    Level - Intermediate
    Gerunds and infinities are mortal enemies, and your sentence will die if you have both in the same sentence!
    -Gerund = noun + ing / verb + ing
    -Infinitivew = to + base verb
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    Basic English Grammar - How often questions

    Level - Beginner
    Learn how to ask how often questions.
    Adverbs of Frequency
    (Other adverbs of frequency are - almost always, most of the time, frequently, the majority of the time, occassionally, rarely, seldom, almost never)
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking Practice


    English Grammar - Either, Neither, So, Too

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn how to agree and disagree in English.
    +(+) So do I
    +(+) I do too.
    +(+) Me too.
    +(+) I agree.
    -(-) Neither do I.
    -(-) I don't either
    +(+)/-(-) Same.
    +(+)/-(-) Me too.
    +(+)/-(-) I think so too.
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking Practice


    English Grammar - How to Compare - As cold as ice

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn how to use the structure - as (adj.) as
    -He is as smart as a bar of soap.
    -Shanghai is as big as Mexico City.
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Grammar - Adverb Suffixes - ly, wards, wise

    Level - Advanced
    Learn what the common forms of adverbs are.
    Suffixes are the end parts of words
    -ly - slowly, quickly, automatically
    -ward - toward, forward, backward, homeward, upward, downward
    -wise - otherwise, lengthwise, clockwise, timewise, moneywise
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    Basic English Grammar - Adjectives vs. Adverbs

    Level - Beginner
    Learn the difference between adjectives and adverbs!
    Also learn about subject-verb-object S-V-O structure. -Adjectives - Describes a noun - big, black, little, yellow
    -Adverbs - Describes a verb - quickly, slowly
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Grammar - All About Phrasal Verbs!

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    Learn what phrasal verbs are - verb + directional preposition.
    -Pick up
    -Keep up
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Grammar - All vs. Every

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn the difference between all and every.
    -All = whole
    -Everything - individual/each
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Grammar - Already and Yet

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn how to use already and yet.
    Past participle form means the (done) form.
    -Already = something has happened before now
    -Yet = something has not happened before now
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Grammar - By vs. Until, Till

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    Learn how to use by and until / till.
    -Until/till = a situation or event that will continue or continued up to a certain time
    -By = something will happen or happened before or at a certain time
    -By the time = before an event or at a specific time of a situation or event
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Grammar - Are you bored or boring?

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn the difference between the following sentences-
    The key is - I felt (-ed) because something was (-ing).
    -I am bored.
    -I am boring.
    -It is bored. (animal)
    -It is boring. (animal)
    -It is boring. (thing/activity/idea)
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Grammar - Being vs. Been

    Level - Advanced
    Learn the difference between being and been.
    Use being for the progressive tense and passive sentences.
    Use been for perfect tenses - past perfect, present perfect, future perfect.
    -being - Mark is being generous.
    -being - Yesterday, she was being harassed by the police.
    -being - Being told what to do is not pleasant.
    -been - He has been to Alaska.
    -been - The students had been studying for five hours.
    -been - She will have been accepted by the college at that point.
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    Basic English Grammar - Comparative Adjectives

    Level - Beginner
    Adjective = a part of speech that describes a noun.
    Comparative adjectives are used to compare two nouns.
    -er - taller, smarter, colder, hotter, bigger, hotter
    -more - more honest, more difficult
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    Basic English Grammar - Countable and Uncountable Nouns

    Level - Beginner
    Learn the difference between between countable and uncountable nouns.
    Noun = person, place, or thing
    Countable nouns = we can count
    Uncountable nouns = we cannot count
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking Practice


    English Grammar - Could vs. Should

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn the difference between could and should
    -Could = a suggestion or possibility
    -Should = definite advice
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    Conversation Skills - Learn New Words

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn how to ask people about new vocabulary.
    Also learn what take a dump means!
    -What is X?
    -What does X mean?
    -How do you say (describe)?
    -What do you call (describe)?
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Grammar - Do vs. Make

    Level - Intermediate
    -Do = for activities, actions, or chores
    -Do expressions - do well, do badly, do your best, do me a favor, do your nails, do your hair, do your makeup
    -Make - constructing, building, creating
    -Make expressions - make arrangements, make a plan, make a cecision, make an excuse, make a fool of yourself, make a phone call, make money
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    Conversation English - Asking - How about

    Level - Beginner-Intermediate
    Learn how to use the casual and informal question - How about...?
    This can be used for-
    -To refer to people
    -To refer to things
    -To refer to transportation
    -To refer to Places
    -To refer tot food and drink
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking Practice


    Conversational English - How to

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn how to ask very simple and easy questions!
    These are friendly and informal situations.
    -More + water/bread/coffee?
    -Any + messages/email/news/word/luck?
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking Practice


    Conversational English - How to Generalize

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn easy ways to make general statements.
    These are great for transitions in speech and writing.
    -All in All
    -On the whole
    -By and large
    -Broadly speaking
    -In general
    -For the most part
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking Practice


    English Grammar - Could have, Would have, Should have

    Level - Advanced
    Learn the modals of lost possibility.
    Coulda, woulda, shoulda! Didnt!
    -Could have = past possibility
    -Would have = imaginary past
    -Should have = best/right thing to do
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Grammar - So vs. Such

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn the difference between so and such.<> -So + (adjective)/(adverb) - He is so tall!
    -Such + (noun) - He is such a tall man!
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking Practice


    English Grammar - Embedded Questions - Could you tell me

    Level - Intermediate
    An embedded question is inside another question, sentence, or statement.
    -Can you tell me
    -Do you know
    -Could you tell me
    -Would you know
    -Would you happen to know
    -I know
    -I don't know
    -I don't remember
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking Practice


    Confused Words - Advice vs. Advise

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    Learn the difference between advice and advise.
    -Advice - (noun)
    -Advise - (verb)
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    Confused Words - Desert vs. Dessert

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    -desert - (noun) dry region
    -dessert - (noun) sweet food after a meal
    -desert - (verb) 1. to abandon 2. to leave an army without permission
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking Practice


    Confused Words - Before vs. Ago

    Level - Beginner
    Learned the difference between before and ago
    -Ago = how long it has been since something happened
    -Before = an action before a different action *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    Confused Words - By, Bye, Buy, Bi

    Level - Advanced
    Learn the difference between by, bye, buy, and bi
    -bye = goodbye
    -by = through/how/which method
    -buy = to purchase something
    -bi = two
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    Confused Words - Loose vs. Lose

    Level - Beginner
    Learn the difference between the commonly confused words loose and lose -loose - (adjective) not tight -lose - (verb) 1. to not win 2. to misplace *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    Confused Words - Live vs. Live

    Level - Beginner
    Learn the difference between live and live. Also learn the difference between verbs and adjectives.
    -live (lIv) - (verb) -live (laiv) - (adjective) *Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking Practice


    Confused Words - Effect vs. Affect

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn the difference of effect and affect.
    -affect - (verb) = to change someone or something
    -effect - (noun) = a change that happens because something else happened
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking Practice


    Confused Words - During vs. While

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn the difference between during and while.
    -During - followed by a noun
    -Example - During the flight, I slept a lot.
    -while - followed by a verb
    -Example - while I was flying, I slept a lot.
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking Practice


    Confused Words - You're vs. Your

    Level - Beginner
    Learned the commonly confused homonyms you're and your
    You're is a contraction of you and are.
    Your is a possessive adjective.
    -You're = you are
    -Your = the thing that belongs to you
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    Confused Words - Success, Succeed, Successful, Successfully

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn how to use the different forms of the word success.
    -Success - (noun)
    -Succeed - (verb)
    -Successful - (adjective)
    -Successfully - (adjective)
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    Confused Words - Sometimes vs. Sometime

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    Learn the difference between sometimes and sometime.
    -Sometimes - on certain occasions, instead of all the time
    -Sometime - at an unknown time or place in the past or future
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    Confused Words - They're, There, Their

    Level - Beginner
    Learned the difference between the homonyms they're, there, and their.
    -They're - the contraction of they and are
    -Their - the possessive adjective of they
    -There - 1) an introduction to the verb TO BE 2) adverb meaning in that place
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    Confused Words - Who's vs. Whose

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn the difference between the homonyms who's and whose.
    -Who's = a contraction of who and is
    -Whose = relative pronoun meaning something that belongs to someone
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers - First, Second, Thrid

    Level - Elementary
    Learn how to count and order in English.
    Practice the TH sound.
    -1 first 1st
    -2 second 2nd
    -3 third 3rd
    -4 fourth 4th
    -5 fifth 5th
    -6 sixth 6th
    -7 seventh 7th
    -8 eighth 8th
    -9 ninth 9th
    -10 tenth 10th
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking Practice


    English Idioms - Cats

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    Learn the most common idioms with cats in English.
    -Fat cat
    -Cat's got your tongue
    -Copy cat
    -cat nap
    -Cat's out of the bag
    -Raining cats and dogs
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    Common English Errors - Some vs. Any

    Level - Beginner
    Learn the difference between some and any.
    Some - used in affirmative or positive sentences
    Any - used in negative sentences and questions
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking Practice


    Common English Errors - I vs. Me, She vs. Her, He vs. Him, We vs. Us, They vs. Them

    Level - Beginner
    Learn the differences between I and me, she and her, he and him, we and us,and they and them.
    Subjects - I, you, he, she, it, we, they
    Objects - me, you, him, her, us, them
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking Practice


    British vs. American English - Irregular Verbs

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn the differences between some past tenses in American and British English.
    -learn - learnt - learned
    -dream - dreamt - dreamed
    -spell - spelt - spelled
    -spill - spilt - spilled
    -burn - burnt - burned
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking Practice


    Basic English Grammar - Articles II - A, An, and The

    Level - Beginner
    Articles come before nouns (person, place, thing)
    -An - for singular nouns beginning with vowels (A, E, I, O, U) and letters with vowel sounds (F, H, L, M, N, R, S, X)
    -A - for singular nouns beginning with consonants, means general or any
    -The - this is for specific nouns
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Grammar - Phrasal Verbs - Off

    English Grammar - Phrasal Verbs - Off http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTQ1ODg2MzAw.html Level - Advanced
    Learn the different common phrasal verbs with off. Phrasal Verbs are two to three word verbs.
    -get off
    -piss someone off/piss me off
    -see someone off
    -take off
    -make off
    -set off
    -scare off
    -get off
    -tell someone off
    -round off
    -pull off
    -write off
    -fence off
    -cordon off
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Grammar - Like vs. As

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn how to make comparisions using like and as.
    -like + noun
    -as + clause
    -more (adj) than
    -(adj)er than
    -as (adj) as
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Grammar - Writing - Passive Verbs with That Clauses

    Level - Advanced
    This is helpful for debates, arguments, and academic essays.
    Learn how to use the words - ellege, assume, believe, claim, fear, fell, hold, postulate, predict, say, theorize, think
    -It was claimed by Copernicus that we lived in a heliocentric universe.
    -It is thought that Michael Jordan was the best basketball player ever.
    -It is theorized that aliens build the pyramids.
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Grammar - How to Change a Verb into a Noun

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    Learn how to change the following verbs into nouns.
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Grammar - Adjective Preposition Combinations

    Level - Beginner-Intermediate
    Learn when to use the prepositions in, about, of, and at with the following adjectives
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Grammar - Ago and From Now - Ago vs. Before - From Now vs. Later After

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn about how to talk about time when talking about the present. Do not use the words before and after when talking about now.
    -Correct - I came here 2 days ago.
    -Incorrect - I came here 2 days before.
    -Correct - I will go 2 days from now.
    -Incorrect - I will go 2 days later.
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Grammar - Assume vs. Presume

    Level - Advanced
    Learn the difference between presume and assume. Many native speakers make this mistake.
    -assume - away from evidence
    -presume - before, previous evidence
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    Basic English Grammar - BE Verb

    Level - Newbie-Beginner
    Learn how to use the verb - to be. Look at how to conjugate the verb in the present, past, and future.
    -I am. I'm not.
    -You are. You're not. You aren't.
    -He is. She is, It is. He's not. She's not. It's not. He isn't. She isn't. It isn't.
    -We are. They are. We're not. We aren't. They're not. They aren't.
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    Basic English Grammar - Have, Has, Had

    Level - Newbie-Beginner
    Learn the difference between have, has, and had!
    -have - I, you, we, they
    -has - he, she, it
    -had - (past tense) I, you, he, she, it, we, they
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    Basic English Grammar - Do, Does, Did

    Level - Newbie-Beginner
    Learn how to use the auxiliary verb of DO.
    Do - I, You, They, We
    Does - He, She, It
    Did - (past tense) I, you, he, she, it, we, they
    Don't - I, You, They, We
    Doesn't - He, She, It
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking Practice


    Basic English Grammar - Most vs. Almost

    Level - Begubber-Intermediate
    Learn the difference between most and almost.
    -Most (adjective) large percent - 80-99%
    -Almost (adverb) how close, nearly
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking Practice


    Three Rules for Improving Your English Immediately

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    Improve your English with three useful tips - the 3 U's. 1. Understand
    2. Useful
    3. Use
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    Four Grammar Mistakes - Myself, Yourself, and Yourselves

    Level - Intermediate
    Reflexive Pronoun - refers to the subject of the sentence. The subject and object of the sentence are the same.
    -I myself
    -You yourself
    -He himself
    -She herself
    -It itself
    -We ourselves
    -They themselves
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking Practice


    Five Common Irregular Past Tense Verbs

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn how to use the common past tense irregular verbs-
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    Five Tips to Improve Your Writing

    Level - Advanced
    Learn how to improve your academic writing of essays for the TOEFL, IELTS, college, and university.
    1. Do not use contractions
    2. Avoid there is / there are
    3. Do not use really / very / a lot
    4. Sciences - use the passive sometimes. Humanities/Social Sciences - do not use the passive voice
    5. Use strong verbs
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, Writing


    English Idioms - Food

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn how to use some common food idioms in English. This is not talking about food, but using food to talk about the world.
    -couch potato
    -out to lunch
    -piece of cake
    -bottoms up
    -sweet tooth
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, Speaking Practice


    Five Great Ways to Improve Your English

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    How can you improve your English? I want to improve my English!
    1. Watch a movie or TV series (with subtitles)
    2. Read a book, newspaper, or read online
    3. Read children's books
    4. Write
    5. Talk with someone
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension


    English Writing - Using Apostrophes

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    Learn when to use apostrophes.
    1. Use to take the place of a missing letter to make a contraction
    2. Use for possessives
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, Writing


    English Writing - Sequencing - How to Order Steps

    Level - Advanced
    Learn how to give someone instructions.
    Also review ordinal numbers - first, second, third, etc.
    -First, Firstly, First of all
    -Second, Third, Fourth / Then, Next, After that
    -Last, Lastly, Finally
    *Listening & Reading Comprehension, Writing


    The Difference Between Playboy, Casanova, and Womanizer

    Level - Advanced
    Learn the difference between a playboy, casanova, and womanizer.
    Playboy = a rich man who spends his time enjoying himself
    Casanova = a man who is well-known for his many sexual exploits and still, despite his fame, gets many women.
    Womanizer = a man who uses a woman


    The Difference Between Almost All and Almost

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn the difference between almost all and almost Almost all = 99%
    Almost = when an action is nearly complete


    The Difference Between Funny, Fun, and Interesting

    Level - Intermediate
    Funny = things that make you laugh - jokes, comedians, silly things
    Fun = things that are enjoyable - video games
    Interesting = mentally enjoyable - talking to a professor, reading an academic journal, discussing a theory


    The Difference Between See and Meet

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn the difference between meet and see.
    Meet - for the first time
    See - for every other time


    The Difference Between Call to and Call

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn the differences between call to and call. Call to = shout at someone
    Call = call/ring on the phone


    The Difference between Affect and Effect

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn the differences between call to and call.
    Affect - (verb) to have an influence on someone, to pretend to feel a way you do not
    Effect - (noun) when one thing changes another thing


    The Difference Between Do you Have Time? and Do you Have the Time?

    Level - Beginner-Intermediate
    Learn the difference between do you have time? and do you have the time?
    Do you have time? = to you have available / free time?
    Do you have the time? = What time is it?


    The Difference Between Few, A Few, Little, and A Little

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn the difference between few and a few, little and a little.
    The meaning depends on the context. It is not as simple as one being positive or negative.
    If you use just or only, this has the same meaning as the sentence without the article a or an.


    The Differences Between See, Look, and Watch, Hear and Listen

    Level - Beginner-Intermediate
    Learn the differences between see, look, and watch.
    Also learn the difference between hear and listen.
    See - ability
    Look - focus
    Watch - more focus
    Hear - ability
    Listen - focus


    The Difference Between Speak, Talk, Say, and Tell

    Level - Beginner-Intermediate
    Learn the differences between see, look, and watch.
    Speak - ability, more formal
    Talk - ability
    Say - express information
    Tell - express information
    I can see they are talking, but I don't know what they are saying.
    Speak about - larger or wider topic
    Talk about - larger or wider topic


    The Difference Betwen Do and Make

    Level - Beginner-Intermediate
    Learn the difference between do and make.
    Do - action, activity, or task
    Make - for constructing, building, or creating


    The Difference Between Do and Make

    Level - Beginner-Intermediate
    Learn the difference between do and make.
    Do - action, activity, or task
    Make - for constructing, building, or creating


    Describing People and Jobs

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn how to properly talk about people and jobs, and how to use the correct adjectives for the job or person. Learn the pattern - being a (job) is (adjective).
    Be very careful where you use adjectives.


    The Different Between Can't Understand and Don't Understand.

    Level - Beginner-Intermediate
    Learn the difference between can't understand and don't understand.
    Can't - unable, do not have the ability
    Don't - what we regularly do not do, or what we choose not to do


    The Difference Between Have and There is, There are

    Level - Beginner-Intermediate
    Learn the difference between have, there is, and there are. have vs. there is vs. there are.
    Have - focus on the person
    There - focus on the object or number


    The Difference Between Should and Had Better

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn the difference between should and had better
    Should - for short-term advice and long-term advice
    Had better - short-term advice and warning - there will be a negative consequence


    The Difference Between Lose My Weight vs. Lose Some Weight

    Level - Intermediate
    Learn the difference between lose my weight and lose some weight
    Lose my weight - all
    Lose some weight - not all