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  • Ted Talks - How to Tie Your Shoes - Terry Moore

    Ted Talks - How to Tie Your Shoes - Terry Moore

    Ted Talks - Haunting Photos of Polar Ice - Camille Seamam

    Ted Talks - Haunting Photos of Polar Ice - Camille Seamam

    Ted Talks - Hire the Hackers - Misha Glenny

    Ted Talks - Hire the Hackers - Misha Glenny

    Worlds Scariest Ghosts Caught on Tape

    Worlds Scariest Ghosts Caught on Tape

    Ted Talks - Finding Life We Cannot Imagine - Christoph Adami

    Ted Talks - Finding Life We Cannot Imagine - Christoph Adami

    10 Amazing Facts About The Brain

    10 Amazing Facts About The Brain

    Ted Talks - DNA Clues to Our Inner Neanderthal - Svante Pääbo

    Ted Talks - DNA Clues to Our Inner Neanderthal - Svante Pääbo

    Ted Talks - Will Videogames Become Better Than Life? - David Perry

    Ted Talks - Will Videogames Become Better Than Life? - David Perry

    How to Chat with Women

    How to Chat with Women

    How to make her be your girlfriend

    How to make her be your girlfriend


    A Brief History of Pretty Much Everything   

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    Look at this amazing animation of history!
    Can you talk or write about each period of history shown?
    Which parts left out would you include?
    *No Subtitles


    A Brief History of Time - Stephen Hawking   

    Level - Advanced
    Learn the history of the universe!
    Listen to the ENTIRE audio book
    British English
    *No subtitles


    10 Historic Moments in Space Exploration   

    Level - Advanced
    This can be used as a quick reading exercise
    Also great discussion material!
    American English
    *With subtitles


    10 Things You Need To Know About Time   

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    This can be used as a quick reading exercise
    Also great discussion material!
    Reading Comprehension
    *With subtitles


    The History of Keeping Time   

    Level - Intermediate Advanced
    Learn about the history of keeping time
    British English
    *No subtitles


    10 Unsolved Mysteries   

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    This can be used as a quick reading exercise
    Also great discussion material!
    Reading Comprehension
    *With subtitles


    10 Unsolved Historical Mysteries   

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    This can be used as a quick reading exercise
    Also great discussion material!
    Reading Comprehension
    *With subtitles


    TED Ed - Diagnosing A Zombie - Brain and Behaivior   

    Level - Advanced
    Learn about how the brain works!
    Reading Comprehension
    *No subtitles


    10 Amazing Facts About The Brain   

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    This can be used as a quick reading exercise
    Also great discussion material!
    Reading Comprehension
    *With subtitles


    10 Deadliest Poisons Known To Humanity   

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    This can be used as a quick reading exercise
    Also great discussion material!
    Reading Comprehension
    *With subtitles


    10 Strange Natural Phenomena   

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    This can be used as a quick reading exercise
    Also great discussion material!
    Reading Comprehension
    *With subtitles


    10 Questions You Don't Want The Answer To   

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    This can be used as a quick reading exercise
    Also great discussion material!
    Reading Comprehension
    *With subtitles


    10 World Records No One Wants To Beat   

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    This can be used as a quick reading exercise
    Also great discussion material!
    Reading Comprehension
    *With subtitles


    10 Abandoned Places Explained   

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    This can be used as a quick reading exercise
    Also great discussion material!
    Reading Comprehension
    *With subtitles


    10 Most Haunted Places   

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    This can be used as a quick reading exercise
    Also great discussion material!
    Reading Comprehension
    *With subtitles


    10 Famous Curses   

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    This can be used as a quick reading exercise
    Also great discussion material!
    Reading Comprehension
    *With subtitles


    Worlds Scariest Ghosts Caught on Tape   

    Level - Advanced
    Are these images real?
    Listening Comprehension
    British English
    *With subtitles


    Ghosts, Spirits, and Demons   

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    Are these images real?
    Can you explain why these things happened?
    *With subtitles


    Extinct - The Yeti   

    Level - Advanced
    A great debate between Western scientists vs. local culture!
    American English
    *No subtitles


    TED Talks - Bad Science - Ben Goldacre   

    Level - Advanced
    Learn how to question what you hear!
    British English
    *No Subtitles


    Beneficial Animal Partnerships   

    Level - Advanced
    See an amazing section of BBC series Trials of Life
    What role does each partner provide to the other?
    British English
    *No Subtitles


    Predator and Prey in an Ecosystem   

    Level - Advanced
    What is the difference between an food web and a food chain?
    British English
    *No subtitles


    Biology Crash Course - Animal Behavior   

    Level - Advanced
    What are the main animal behaviors?
    Why do they behave this way?
    American English
    *No Subtitles


    Biology Crash Course - Complex Animals - Annelids, Anthropods   

    Level - Advanced
    Learn about animal and human evolution!
    American English
    *No Subtitles


    Biology Crash Course - Old and Odd Archaea, Bacteria, and Protists   

    Level - Advanced
    Learn the simplest forms of life!
    American English
    *No Subtitles


    Biology Crash Course - Chordates   

    Level - Advanced
    What are chordates?
    Learn how we are related to other chordates!
    American English *No Subtitles


    DNA - The Book of You   

    Level - Advanced
    Learn the basics of DNA!
    American English *No Subtitles


    Biology Crash Cours - DNA Structure and Replication   

    Level - Advanced
    How does DNA replicate?
    American English
    *No Subtitles


    Khan Academy - Red Blood Cells   

    Level - Advanced
    How do red blood cells work?
    How are red blood cells important to life?
    American English
    *No Subtitles


    Whats Blood Got To Do With It?   

    Level - Advanced
    Learn the history of blood!
    British English
    *No Subtitles


    Monsters Inside Me - The Pork Tapeworm   

    Level - Advanced
    How can you avoid getting these tapeworms?
    American English
    *No Subtitles


    Biology Crash Course - The Nervous System   

    Level - Advanced
    How are our nervous systems unique?
    How are they like other animals?
    American English
    *No Subtitles


    Biology Crash Course - The Digestive System   

    Level - Advanced
    A great introduction to Biology!?
    American English
    *No Subtitles


    Biology Crash Course - The Endocrine System   

    Level - Advanced
    What is the endocrine system?
    How does it work?
    American English
    *No Subtitles


    Biology Crash Course - The Skeletal System   

    Level - Advanced
    How is the skeletal system alive?
    American English
    *No Subtitles


    Biology Crash Course - The Muscular System   

    Level - Advanced
    How does the muscular system work?
    American English
    *No Subtitles


    Khan Academy - The Lungs and the Pulmonary System   

    Level - Advanced
    Learn about our pulmonary system!
    How does our breathing work?
    American English


    Biology Crash Course - The Circulatory System   

    Level - Advanced
    Learn about how blood moves through the body!
    American English
    *No Subtitles


    TED Ed - How Breathing Words   

    Level - Advanced
    Learn about how important breathing is!
    American English
    *No Subtitles


    The Cardiac Cycle   

    Level - Advanced
    How do hearts work?
    American English
    *No Subtitles


    Khan Academy - Parts of A Cell   

    Level - Advanced
    Find MANY more lessons at Khan Academy!
    American English *No Subtitles


    Chemistry - Water   

    Level - Advanced
    Learn about the properties of water!
    American English
    *No Subtitles


    Introduction to Photosynthesis   

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    Learn how plants are vitally important to our environment.
    A clip from BBC Planet Earth series.
    Reading Comprehension


    Biology Crash Course - Fungi Death Becomes Them   

    Level - Advanced
    How are fungi more like animals than plants?
    How are they related to death?
    American English
    *No Subtitles


    Best Optical Illusions   

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    What can you see in these pictures?
    You should be able to see more than one image per picture!
    *Speaking Practice


    2012 Presidential Debate - Mit Romney vs. Barack Obama   

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    Some things are missing! What are they?
    What good points did each of the candidates make?
    Why do you think Romney lost?
    *Listening Practice


    Human Ancestry Made Easy   

    Level - Advanced
    How are all humans related?
    What is our human family history?
    British English
    *Listening Practice


    What is Christianity?   

    Level - Advanced
    Learn about the basic history and concepts of Christianity.
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    How to talk to Girls   

    Level - Advanced
    Shy guys, learn how to get chicks!
    What mistakes do guys often make?
    British English
    *Listening Practice


    How to Attract Women   

    Level - Advanced
    Shy guys, learn how to get chicks!
    What mistakes do guys often make?
    British English
    *Listening Practice


    Why Girls Go for Bad Guys   

    Level - Advanced
    Are you a bad boy?
    Sometimes you have to be an @$$hole!
    British English
    *Listening Practice


    How to Chat with Women   

    Level - Advanced
    Learn to get chicks online!
    Get a Facebook account quick!
    British English
    *Listening Practice


    How to make her be your girlfriend   

    Level - Advanced
    What is the first thing you should say to a girl?
    What do you do next?
    British English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Building a Dinosaur from a Chicken - Jack Horner   

    Level - Advanced
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    Learn about the real Jurassic Park projects
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Pay Attention to Non-violence - Julia Bacha   

    Level - Advanced
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    Learn about modern non-violent movements in the Middle East.
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - The Conscience of Television - Lauren Zalaznick   

    Level - Advanced
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    Popular TV may be more useful than thought.
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - 7 Rules for Making More Happiness - Stefan Sagmeister   

    Level - Advanced
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    Learn how to train yourself to be happy!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    Accented German English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Taking Imagination Seriously - Janet Echelman   

    Level - Advanced
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    Why does modern society not value art?
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - A Moral Operating System - Damon Horowitz   

    Level - Advanced
    The internet is more dangerous than you think!
    Do you know who is controlling this data?
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - How to Tie Your Shoes - Terry Moore   

    Level - Advanced
    Learn to actually tie your shoes!
    You will be surprised!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Compassion and the True Meaning of Empathy - Joan Halifax   

    Level - Advanced
    Learn about the importance of compassion!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Turning Trash Into Toys for Learning - Arvind Gupta   

    Level - Advanced
    Be creative with your trash! Don't waste our resources!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    Indian English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Healing and Other Natural Wonders - Dean Ornish   

    Level - Advanced
    Learn how your body can heal itself!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Your Genese Are Not Your Friends - Dean Ornish   

    Level - Advanced
    Learn how your to fight your genes through a healthy lifestyle!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Creating Objects that Tell Stories - Yves Behar   

    Level - Advanced
    Learn how to appreciate the world around you!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Why Can We Not Grow New Bodies? - Alan Russell   

    Level - Advanced
    Learn how to deal with diseases and heal yourself!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    British English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Inspired Ideas for a Sustainable Future - Alex Steffen   

    Level - Advanced
    Learn how wasteful and bad humans are for the Earth!
    How can we prevent the next World War?
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Will Videogames Become Better Than Life? - David Perry   

    Level - Advanced
    Learn the importance of videogames in our lives!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - The Amazing Intelligence of Crows - Joshua Klein   

    Level - Advanced
    Animals around us are more intelligent than you think!
    Killing animals affects our whole ecosystem.
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Cultures At the Far Edge - Wade Davis   

    Level - Advanced
    Learn how much we have forgotten about the world we live in!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Why We Do Not Understand As Much As We Think We Do - Jonathan Drori   

    Level - Advanced
    Science cannot explain everything!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    British English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - New Insights On Poverty - Hans Rosling   

    Level - Advanced
    Development IS NOT the answer for the world!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    Finnish English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Freeing Energy From The Grid - Justin Hall-Tipping   

    Level - Advanced
    Learn how we can use green technologies!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    British English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - The First Charter City? - Paul Romer   

    Level - Advanced
    Learn how cities should be!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Evolutions Gift of Play - Isabel Behncke Izqueierdo   

    Level - Advanced
    Learn the importance of sex!
    Bonobos are amazing!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    Spanish English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - How Beauty Feels - Richard Seymour   

    Level - Advanced
    Stop using your brain so much!
    Enjoy life through feeling!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    British English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Hire the Hackers - Misha Glenny   

    Level - Advanced
    Knowledge and creativity is power!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    British English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - A History of the Universe in Sound - Honor Harger   

    Level - Advanced
    Listen to the universe!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    British English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Caring for Engineered Tissue - Nina Tandon   

    Level - Advanced
    Learn how biologiests are engineering life!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - The Day I Turned Down Tim Berners-Lee - Ian Ritchie   

    Level - Advanced
    Learn about the origin of the internet!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    Irish English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Open-Sourced Blueprints for Civilization = Marcin Jakubowski   

    Level - Advanced
    What do you need to have a society?
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Hans Rosling and the Magic Washing Machine   

    Level - Advanced
    Why is the washing machine the greatest invention of the industrial revolution?
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    Swedish English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Everyday Compassion at Google - Chade-Meng Tan   

    Level - Advanced
    Why is Google the best company in the world?
    Compassion is the key to happiness!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    Chinese English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - The Demise of Guys?- Philip Zimbardo   

    Level - Advanced
    Men are becoming clueless and useless!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - The Trusting Ensemble - Charles Hazlewood   

    Level - Advanced
    Learn the importance of trust.
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    British English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Wearing Nothing New - Jessi Arrington   

    Level - Advanced
    Buying new clothes a waste of money and bad for the environment!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - We Can Recycle Plastic - Mike Biddle   

    Level - Advanced
    Look at how wasteful people are!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Haunting Photos of Polar Ice - Camille Seamam   >>  Take Test

    Test Yourself
    Level - Advanced
    Watch Climate Change and Global Warming happening!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Hands-On Science With Squishy Circuits - Annmarie Thomas   

    Level - Advanced
    Learn how to teach children about technology!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - My Mushroom Burial Suit - Jae Rhim Lee   >>  Take Test

    Test Yourself
    Level - Advanced
    Dead people are polluting the earth!
    Your body is full of poison!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Using Nature to Grow Batteries - Angela Belcher   

    Level - Advanced
    Learn how we can make green batteries!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Singing the Primal Mystery - Claron McFadden   

    Level - Advanced
    Why is singing important for humans?
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Welcome to the Genomic Revolution - Richard Resnick   

    Level - Advanced
    Learn about the Human Genome Project!
    Where can humanity go next?
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - My Father the Forger - Sarah Kaminsky   

    Level - Advanced
    Learn the importance of listening to the stories of your elders.
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    *Reading Practice


    Ted Talks - Meet e-Patient Dave - Dave Debronkart   

    Level - Advanced
    Learn how the internet is changing medicine!
    Take control of your life on the internet!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - DNA Clues to Our Inner Neanderthal - Svante Pääbo   

    Level - Advanced
    How are we related to Neanderthals?
    How are we like them?
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    Accented English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Are We Filtering the Wrong Microbes? - Jessica Green   

    Level - Advanced
    Learn how dirty the air in buildings actually is!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - On Being Just Crazy Enough - Joshua Walters   

    Level - Advanced
    Medical illness and psychology needs to be rethought!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Making a Car for Blind Drivers - Dennis Hong   

    Level - Advanced
    People who cannot see driving cars!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - How Cyberattacks Threaten Real-World Peace - Guy Phillippe Goldstein   

    Level - Advanced
    The internet is the new battleground.
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    *Reading Comprehension


    Ted Talks - Suddenly, My Body - Eve Ensler   

    Level - Advanced
    Learn about a near death experience.
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Comprehension


    Ted Talks - Finding Life We Cannot Imagine - Christoph Adami   

    Level - Advanced
    Learn about other forms of life!
    Looking for biosignatures!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    Accented American English
    *Listening Comprehension