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  • Human Ancestry Made Easy

    Human Ancestry Made Easy

    10 Abandoned Places Explained

    10 Abandoned Places Explained

    10 Amazing Facts About The Brain

    10 Amazing Facts About The Brain

    10 Deadliest Poisons Known To Humanity

    10 Deadliest Poisons Known To Humanity

    10 Famous Curses

    10 Famous Curses

    10 Historic Moments in Space Exploration

    10 Historic Moments in Space Exploration

    10 Most Haunted Places

    10 Most Haunted Places

    10 Questions You Don't Want The Answer To

    10 Questions You Don't Want The Answer To

    10 Strange Natural Phenomena

    10 Strange Natural Phenomena

    10 Things You Need To Know About Time

    10 Things You Need To Know About Time


    A Brief History of Pretty Much Everything

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    Look at this amazing animation of history!
    Can you talk or write about each period of history shown?
    Which parts left out would you include?
    *No Subtitles


    A Brief History of Time - Stephen Hawking

    Level - Advanced
    Learn the history of the universe!
    Listen to the ENTIRE audio book
    British English
    *No subtitles


    10 Historic Moments in Space Exploration

    Level - Advanced
    This can be used as a quick reading exercise
    Also great discussion material!
    American English
    *With subtitles


    10 Things You Need To Know About Time

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    This can be used as a quick reading exercise
    Also great discussion material!
    Reading Comprehension
    *With subtitles


    The History of Keeping Time

    Level - Intermediate Advanced
    Learn about the history of keeping time
    British English
    *No subtitles


    10 Unsolved Mysteries

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    This can be used as a quick reading exercise
    Also great discussion material!
    Reading Comprehension
    *With subtitles


    10 Unsolved Historical Mysteries

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    This can be used as a quick reading exercise
    Also great discussion material!
    Reading Comprehension
    *With subtitles


    TED Ed - Diagnosing A Zombie - Brain and Behaivior

    Level - Advanced
    Learn about how the brain works!
    Reading Comprehension
    *No subtitles


    10 Amazing Facts About The Brain

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    This can be used as a quick reading exercise
    Also great discussion material!
    Reading Comprehension
    *With subtitles


    10 Deadliest Poisons Known To Humanity

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    This can be used as a quick reading exercise
    Also great discussion material!
    Reading Comprehension
    *With subtitles


    10 Strange Natural Phenomena

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    This can be used as a quick reading exercise
    Also great discussion material!
    Reading Comprehension
    *With subtitles


    10 Questions You Don't Want The Answer To

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    This can be used as a quick reading exercise
    Also great discussion material!
    Reading Comprehension
    *With subtitles


    10 World Records No One Wants To Beat

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    This can be used as a quick reading exercise
    Also great discussion material!
    Reading Comprehension
    *With subtitles


    10 Abandoned Places Explained

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    This can be used as a quick reading exercise
    Also great discussion material!
    Reading Comprehension
    *With subtitles


    10 Most Haunted Places

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    This can be used as a quick reading exercise
    Also great discussion material!
    Reading Comprehension
    *With subtitles


    10 Famous Curses

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    This can be used as a quick reading exercise
    Also great discussion material!
    Reading Comprehension
    *With subtitles


    Worlds Scariest Ghosts Caught on Tape

    Level - Advanced
    Are these images real?
    Listening Comprehension
    British English
    *With subtitles


    Ghosts, Spirits, and Demons

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    Are these images real?
    Can you explain why these things happened?
    *With subtitles


    Extinct - The Yeti

    Level - Advanced
    A great debate between Western scientists vs. local culture!
    American English
    *No subtitles


    TED Talks - Bad Science - Ben Goldacre

    Level - Advanced
    Learn how to question what you hear!
    British English
    *No Subtitles


    Beneficial Animal Partnerships

    Level - Advanced
    See an amazing section of BBC series Trials of Life
    What role does each partner provide to the other?
    British English
    *No Subtitles


    Predator and Prey in an Ecosystem

    Level - Advanced
    What is the difference between an food web and a food chain?
    British English
    *No subtitles


    Biology Crash Course - Animal Behavior

    Level - Advanced
    What are the main animal behaviors?
    Why do they behave this way?
    American English
    *No Subtitles


    Biology Crash Course - Complex Animals - Annelids, Anthropods

    Level - Advanced
    Learn about animal and human evolution!
    American English
    *No Subtitles


    Biology Crash Course - Old and Odd Archaea, Bacteria, and Protists

    Level - Advanced
    Learn the simplest forms of life!
    American English
    *No Subtitles


    Biology Crash Course - Chordates

    Level - Advanced
    What are chordates?
    Learn how we are related to other chordates!
    American English *No Subtitles


    DNA - The Book of You

    Level - Advanced
    Learn the basics of DNA!
    American English *No Subtitles


    Biology Crash Cours - DNA Structure and Replication

    Level - Advanced
    How does DNA replicate?
    American English
    *No Subtitles


    Khan Academy - Red Blood Cells

    Level - Advanced
    How do red blood cells work?
    How are red blood cells important to life?
    American English
    *No Subtitles


    Whats Blood Got To Do With It?

    Level - Advanced
    Learn the history of blood!
    British English
    *No Subtitles


    Monsters Inside Me - The Pork Tapeworm

    Level - Advanced
    How can you avoid getting these tapeworms?
    American English
    *No Subtitles


    Biology Crash Course - The Nervous System

    Level - Advanced
    How are our nervous systems unique?
    How are they like other animals?
    American English
    *No Subtitles


    Biology Crash Course - The Digestive System

    Level - Advanced
    A great introduction to Biology!?
    American English
    *No Subtitles


    Biology Crash Course - The Endocrine System

    Level - Advanced
    What is the endocrine system?
    How does it work?
    American English
    *No Subtitles


    Biology Crash Course - The Skeletal System

    Level - Advanced
    How is the skeletal system alive?
    American English
    *No Subtitles


    Biology Crash Course - The Muscular System

    Level - Advanced
    How does the muscular system work?
    American English
    *No Subtitles


    Khan Academy - The Lungs and the Pulmonary System

    Level - Advanced
    Learn about our pulmonary system!
    How does our breathing work?
    American English


    Biology Crash Course - The Circulatory System

    Level - Advanced
    Learn about how blood moves through the body!
    American English
    *No Subtitles


    TED Ed - How Breathing Words

    Level - Advanced
    Learn about how important breathing is!
    American English
    *No Subtitles


    The Cardiac Cycle

    Level - Advanced
    How do hearts work?
    American English
    *No Subtitles


    Khan Academy - Parts of A Cell

    Level - Advanced
    Find MANY more lessons at Khan Academy!
    American English *No Subtitles


    Chemistry - Water

    Level - Advanced
    Learn about the properties of water!
    American English
    *No Subtitles


    Introduction to Photosynthesis

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    Learn how plants are vitally important to our environment.
    A clip from BBC Planet Earth series.
    Reading Comprehension


    Biology Crash Course - Fungi Death Becomes Them

    Level - Advanced
    How are fungi more like animals than plants?
    How are they related to death?
    American English
    *No Subtitles


    Best Optical Illusions

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    What can you see in these pictures?
    You should be able to see more than one image per picture!
    *Speaking Practice


    2012 Presidential Debate - Mit Romney vs. Barack Obama

    Level - Intermediate-Advanced
    Some things are missing! What are they?
    What good points did each of the candidates make?
    Why do you think Romney lost?
    *Listening Practice


    Human Ancestry Made Easy

    Level - Advanced
    How are all humans related?
    What is our human family history?
    British English
    *Listening Practice


    What is Christianity?

    Level - Advanced
    Learn about the basic history and concepts of Christianity.
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    How to talk to Girls

    Level - Advanced
    Shy guys, learn how to get chicks!
    What mistakes do guys often make?
    British English
    *Listening Practice


    How to Attract Women

    Level - Advanced
    Shy guys, learn how to get chicks!
    What mistakes do guys often make?
    British English
    *Listening Practice


    Why Girls Go for Bad Guys

    Level - Advanced
    Are you a bad boy?
    Sometimes you have to be an @$$hole!
    British English
    *Listening Practice


    How to Chat with Women

    Level - Advanced
    Learn to get chicks online!
    Get a Facebook account quick!
    British English
    *Listening Practice


    How to make her be your girlfriend

    Level - Advanced
    What is the first thing you should say to a girl?
    What do you do next?
    British English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Building a Dinosaur from a Chicken - Jack Horner

    Level - Advanced
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    Learn about the real Jurassic Park projects
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Pay Attention to Non-violence - Julia Bacha

    Level - Advanced
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    Learn about modern non-violent movements in the Middle East.
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - The Conscience of Television - Lauren Zalaznick

    Level - Advanced
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    Popular TV may be more useful than thought.
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - 7 Rules for Making More Happiness - Stefan Sagmeister

    Level - Advanced
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    Learn how to train yourself to be happy!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    Accented German English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Taking Imagination Seriously - Janet Echelman

    Level - Advanced
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    Why does modern society not value art?
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - A Moral Operating System - Damon Horowitz

    Level - Advanced
    The internet is more dangerous than you think!
    Do you know who is controlling this data?
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - How to Tie Your Shoes - Terry Moore

    Level - Advanced
    Learn to actually tie your shoes!
    You will be surprised!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Compassion and the True Meaning of Empathy - Joan Halifax

    Level - Advanced
    Learn about the importance of compassion!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Turning Trash Into Toys for Learning - Arvind Gupta

    Level - Advanced
    Be creative with your trash! Don't waste our resources!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    Indian English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Healing and Other Natural Wonders - Dean Ornish

    Level - Advanced
    Learn how your body can heal itself!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Your Genese Are Not Your Friends - Dean Ornish

    Level - Advanced
    Learn how your to fight your genes through a healthy lifestyle!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Creating Objects that Tell Stories - Yves Behar

    Level - Advanced
    Learn how to appreciate the world around you!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Why Can We Not Grow New Bodies? - Alan Russell

    Level - Advanced
    Learn how to deal with diseases and heal yourself!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    British English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Inspired Ideas for a Sustainable Future - Alex Steffen

    Level - Advanced
    Learn how wasteful and bad humans are for the Earth!
    How can we prevent the next World War?
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Will Videogames Become Better Than Life? - David Perry

    Level - Advanced
    Learn the importance of videogames in our lives!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - The Amazing Intelligence of Crows - Joshua Klein

    Level - Advanced
    Animals around us are more intelligent than you think!
    Killing animals affects our whole ecosystem.
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Cultures At the Far Edge - Wade Davis

    Level - Advanced
    Learn how much we have forgotten about the world we live in!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Why We Do Not Understand As Much As We Think We Do - Jonathan Drori

    Level - Advanced
    Science cannot explain everything!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    British English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - New Insights On Poverty - Hans Rosling

    Level - Advanced
    Development IS NOT the answer for the world!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    Finnish English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Freeing Energy From The Grid - Justin Hall-Tipping

    Level - Advanced
    Learn how we can use green technologies!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    British English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - The First Charter City? - Paul Romer

    Level - Advanced
    Learn how cities should be!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Evolutions Gift of Play - Isabel Behncke Izqueierdo

    Level - Advanced
    Learn the importance of sex!
    Bonobos are amazing!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    Spanish English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - How Beauty Feels - Richard Seymour

    Level - Advanced
    Stop using your brain so much!
    Enjoy life through feeling!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    British English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Hire the Hackers - Misha Glenny

    Level - Advanced
    Knowledge and creativity is power!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    British English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - A History of the Universe in Sound - Honor Harger

    Level - Advanced
    Listen to the universe!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    British English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Caring for Engineered Tissue - Nina Tandon

    Level - Advanced
    Learn how biologiests are engineering life!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - The Day I Turned Down Tim Berners-Lee - Ian Ritchie

    Level - Advanced
    Learn about the origin of the internet!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    Irish English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Open-Sourced Blueprints for Civilization = Marcin Jakubowski

    Level - Advanced
    What do you need to have a society?
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Hans Rosling and the Magic Washing Machine

    Level - Advanced
    Why is the washing machine the greatest invention of the industrial revolution?
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    Swedish English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Everyday Compassion at Google - Chade-Meng Tan

    Level - Advanced
    Why is Google the best company in the world?
    Compassion is the key to happiness!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    Chinese English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - The Demise of Guys?- Philip Zimbardo

    Level - Advanced
    Men are becoming clueless and useless!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - The Trusting Ensemble - Charles Hazlewood

    Level - Advanced
    Learn the importance of trust.
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    British English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Wearing Nothing New - Jessi Arrington

    Level - Advanced
    Buying new clothes a waste of money and bad for the environment!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - We Can Recycle Plastic - Mike Biddle

    Level - Advanced
    Look at how wasteful people are!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Haunting Photos of Polar Ice - Camille Seamam

    Level - Advanced
    Watch Climate Change and Global Warming happening!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Hands-On Science With Squishy Circuits - Annmarie Thomas

    Level - Advanced
    Learn how to teach children about technology!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - My Mushroom Burial Suit - Jae Rhim Lee

    Level - Advanced
    Dead people are polluting the earth!
    Your body is full of poison!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Using Nature to Grow Batteries - Angela Belcher

    Level - Advanced
    Learn how we can make green batteries!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Singing the Primal Mystery - Claron McFadden

    Level - Advanced
    Why is singing important for humans?
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Welcome to the Genomic Revolution - Richard Resnick

    Level - Advanced
    Learn about the Human Genome Project!
    Where can humanity go next?
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - My Father the Forger - Sarah Kaminsky

    Level - Advanced
    Learn the importance of listening to the stories of your elders.
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    *Reading Practice


    Ted Talks - Meet e-Patient Dave - Dave Debronkart

    Level - Advanced
    Learn how the internet is changing medicine!
    Take control of your life on the internet!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - DNA Clues to Our Inner Neanderthal - Svante Pääbo

    Level - Advanced
    How are we related to Neanderthals?
    How are we like them?
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    Accented English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Are We Filtering the Wrong Microbes? - Jessica Green

    Level - Advanced
    Learn how dirty the air in buildings actually is!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - On Being Just Crazy Enough - Joshua Walters

    Level - Advanced
    Medical illness and psychology needs to be rethought!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - Making a Car for Blind Drivers - Dennis Hong

    Level - Advanced
    People who cannot see driving cars!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Practice


    Ted Talks - How Cyberattacks Threaten Real-World Peace - Guy Phillippe Goldstein

    Level - Advanced
    The internet is the new battleground.
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    *Reading Comprehension


    Ted Talks - Suddenly, My Body - Eve Ensler

    Level - Advanced
    Learn about a near death experience.
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    American English
    *Listening Comprehension


    Ted Talks - Finding Life We Cannot Imagine - Christoph Adami

    Level - Advanced
    Learn about other forms of life!
    Looking for biosignatures!
    See the transcript and more at www.ted.com
    Accented American English
    *Listening Comprehension